REMINGTON 710 30.06 RIFLE Product Review Details

Review Date: Oct 27, 2005

Product Information

Manufacturer: REMINGTON

Model: 710 30.06

Product Type: RIFLE

Purchase Price: 450 CND

Testing Information

Time Tested: 2 MONTHS

Testing Conditions: VARIED

Temperature Range: 80 TO 45 DEGREES

Testing Terrain: WOODS, TUNDRA


Review Information

Reviewer's Name: Jeff

Recommended: NO!!!!!!

I bought this gun to go on a caribou hunt. I fired approximately 150 rounds before I went. When I fired at the animal I always immediately chamber in another round for backup reassurance. While I tried to bolt in another round the bolt fell on the ground. This happened to me on both my animals. Luckily both first shots were enough, but what if they were not? I called the gun shop when I got back and was informed that this is a common problem as the locking devise for the bolt wears out. How can something wear out in 2 months. Imagine how this piece of scrap will look like in 5 years. I was told that this model will be discontinued due to the warranty claims. Remington products in my mind are at the low end of the scale and will definitely look at another manufacturer as this gone is up for sale. CHEAP!! anyone else with this problem??

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